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Mobile World Congress  2018: 5G’s

 You Can’t Teach an Al to   Run a Telecom First Phase of Wireless
Innovation Challenge


Wi-Fi 2018: What does the Future look like ?

The world of enterprise Wi-Fi moves fast, but 2018 is going to see gear based on 802.11ac Wave 2 remain the state of the art – its successor, 802.11ax, is still one for the future.. [More]


13Lantronix Reveals The First Enterprise
Grade 802.11ac WIFI Module.

The Ossia Cota could be the first system to truly unplug us from the wall for truly wireless charging..[More]


Growing number of people recognize adverse health effects of Wi-Fi radiation

Wireless LANs use spread spectrum Technology

Fortinet drives adoption of Secure SD-WAN for distributed enterprise

Access point range and signal strength maximization


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Emerging network technology to keep  Your Wifi Connection is Worse Internet of the future Now WiFi connected but no Internet